Ohev Israel Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that has been granted 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status by the Internal Revenue Service. All donations may be tax deductible.
Together OHEV ISRAEL works to support those in need, families, and education.
Rabbi Ronen ShimonFOUNDERRabbi Ronen Shimon is the founder of Ohev Israel. In addition to his work with Ohev Israel, he also serves as the Rabbi of Young Israel Synagogue of Dallas.
From 2002-2005, Rabbi Shimon taught Judaic study classes in Chumash, Talmud, Mishneh, and other subjects in the Land of Israel. Rabbi Shimon served as the Sheliach for all Judaic studies and Hebrew language classes, and as a Special Education counselor, at the Hebrew Academy of Indianapolis. Rabbi Shimon has also taught at many yeshivot and holds numerous certifications. Rabbi Shimon served in the IDF, achieving the rank of Sergeant while serving as a combat paramedic. Rabbi Shimon is dedicated to helping the poor and to bringing individuals closer to G-d through Torah study and education. His warm smile and engaging personality welcomes and enriches the lives of those with whom he is privileged to interact. |